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安恒公司 / 技术文章 / 布线测试与布线标准 / 光纤测试 / TSB-140的几点注解 光纤布线系统的测试方法

2004-11-27 安恒公司 技术部  阅:    下页:
TSB-140的几点注解 光纤布线系统的测试方法


  • TSB-140 由TIA(Telecommunications Industry Association )发布
  • 它是*个公告(telecommunications systems bulletin - TSB)形式的文献
  • 它的标题是:用于现场测试光纤布线系统长度、损耗和*性的附加指南
  • TSB-140简要内容:
    • 使用损耗测试工具包、光时域反射仪(OTDR)、可视光源工具等对光纤布线系统进行现场测试长度、光衰减以及*性的方法
    • 这个文献的目的是为了澄清有关光纤布线系统的测试过程,而不是用于替代ANSI/TIA/EIA-526-7 和 ANSI/TIA/EIA-526-14A 标准

TSB-140 是由 TIA TR-42.8 委员会分会编写和公布的。TIA TR-42.8 负责制定电信光纤布线系统的相关标准。

###关于 TIA

The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) is the leading trade organization serving the communications and IT industry, with proven strengths in standards development, domestic and international public policy, and trade shows. Through its worldwide activities, TIA facilitates business development opportunities and a competitive market environment. The association provides a forum for its member companies, the manufacturers and suppliers of products and services used in global communications. TIA is accredited by the American National Standards Institute to develop American National Standards used in the industry. TIA represents the communications sector of the Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA).



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